
About Dr. Tasos Toumasis

Dr. Tasos Toumasis was born and raised in Nicosia. After completing his military service, he studied Dentistry in Semmelweis Medical University in Budapest, from which he graduated in 2009. In 2010 he came back to Cyprus, where he created Dentistar Dental Clinic. In 2010 he completed a series of “curriculum” classes at the University of Cologne in the field of implants, whereas in 2013 he completed a “master class” in cosmetic dentistry at the University of London (UCL). Since then, he has been up to date with the latest achievements in dental implantology, as well as in restorative and aesthetic dentistry. Since 2010, Dr Toumasis has been a member of the European Implantology Association (BSIZ EDI). Since 2011, he has also been a council member at Nicosia – Kerynia Dental Association. Dr Toumasis’ goal and vision is to constantly update his services, in order to meet the needs of all his patients.

6 συμβουλές που θα σας βοηθήσουν να προλάβετε τη διάβρωση της αδαμαντίνης των δοντιών

2022-04-22T01:41:40+00:00By |

1. Μην βιάζεστε να βουρτσίσετε τα δόντια σας Περιμένοντας 30 έως 60 [...]

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